Florist in Washington NC

At our florist located in downtown Washington, NC, we offer a variety of services to meet all your floral needs. From custom arrangements to designer choice arrangements, we have something for everyone.

Voted the Best Flower Shop in Washington


Celebrate their special day with vibrant, joyful blooms that make birthdays unforgettable.

Love & Romance

Express your deepest emotions with romantic arrangements that speak the language of love.

Thinking of You

Brighten someone’s day and let them know they’re on your mind with thoughtful, uplifting flowers.


Offer comfort and express your condolences with elegant, heartfelt arrangements.

Most Popular Arrangements

Discover our most popular floral arrangements for every occasion.

Secret Garden


Dream State


Heart Of Hearts




Love Bomb


The Kayla


Sunset Serenity


All About You



Designer's Choice Arrangements

Send your love and well wishes with our stunning “Designer Choice” arrangements. Handcrafted with care, these floral creations are sure to brighten anyone’s day.

Unique Designs

Personalized arrangements made with care.

Seasonal Blooms

Lovely flowers that brighten every season.


Premium Arrangements

Handcrafted with care, featuring the highest quality flowers.

Dream State


Green Meadow


Heart Of Hearts




The Poppy


The Maggie


The Kellen


The Haley




Discover our stunning collection of premium arrangements.

Happy Customers

Read what our customers have to say about their birthday purchases



Discover our exquisite collection of premium floral arrangements.

Join Our Monthly Flower

Discover our wide range of custom arrangements and other services.